
Showing posts from July, 2020

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical calculations. In python, With the help of arithmetic operators we can perform these operations: 1.Addition                       (x+y) 2.Subtraction               (x-y) 3.Multiplication           (x*y) 4.Division                    (x/y) 5.Modulus                       (x%y) 6.Exponentiation         (x**y) 7.Floor Division          (x//y)   Most of the students gets confused with Modulus,Exponentiation and Floor division so please keep it in mind: 1.Modulus return the remainder values. 2.Exponentiation return power value of x.  3.Floor Division  return the values before the floating Point. Hop...

Python Operators

OPERATORS Operators  are Special Symbols or signs that help us to perform Arithmetic or Logical operations. Operators are the constructs which can manipulate the values of Operands  Forexample: x=10 y=15          print(10+15)         print(  X+Y) where, x and y are Operands, + is operator output: 25                25 Operators are used to perform Operations on variables and values. Python divides the operators in the following groups:              Example Using one operator from each group: OUTPUT:

Python DataTypes

 Python store values of different Data Types.  Every data item has its datatype. Data types represents a kind of value which determines what operations can be performed on that data. As you all know that, Python is object oriented programming Language. Data Types are actually classes and variables are instance object of these classes. Data Types defines the type of the variable, whether it is an integer variable, string variable, dictionary variable ...e.t.c.  Python has built-in Data types : 1. Immutable(unchangeable) Data Types: Numeric-Integer(int), Floating point(float), Complex Number(complex) String(str) Tuple(tuple) 2.Mutable (changeable) Data Types: List(list) Dictionary(dict) Set(set) And other build-in Data Types are: 3.Binary Data Types: Bytes(byte) Bytearray(bytearray) MemoryView(memoryview) 4.Boolean Type: Bool(bool)-True/False Program using different Datatypes :